Terraces and private pools

Cupira Multi, Cupira Hueso

Swimming pool and private terrace project in Toledo, Illescas built with our Cupira Multi and Cupira Hueso porcelain stoneware collections by Aquazzaro Piscinas. Measuring 4.5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, these high quality ceramic pieces from Cerámica Mayor provide exceptional interior and exterior cladding. Designed to withstand daily wear and tear and weather conditions, these collections fuse the vibrant aesthetics of Cupira Multi with the serenity of Cupira Hueso. Transform your aquatic space into an oasis of style and functionality with the distinction of Cerámica Mayor porcelain tile.

Tiles 37,5×75 cm Cupira Multi, Tiles 37,5×75 cm Cupira Hueso

Cupira Multi, Cupira Hueso

Calacatta fresh